I’m not going to comment on how his speech went, what he said because really I don’t care. I care when he will be playing golf again, and that’s about it. You know why? Because that’s all we ever cared about.
I’m betting you can’t name the top ten golfers from the 90’s, before tiger joined the tour. I’m actually betting you can’t name 10 now either. You and me both know that Tiger made an almost unwatchable sport watchable. He was to golf what Arnold was to Bodybuilding: a superstar who drew interest from everyday people. In the 70’s everyone knew bodybuilding existed, but until Arnold came around and started crushing competitions, it was not interesting. I feel the same about golf. What would golf be without Tiger? Be honest, have you spent more than 5 minutes watching a major tournament since Wood’s car accident?
All that we knew about Tiger was that he played golf since he was 3, and has been absolutely crushing the game and everyone he plays against. HE WAS CRUSHING TO BALL ON THE COURSE, AND ABSOLUTELY CRUSHING PUSSY OFF OF IT. Still, There’s no doubt in my mind he will go down as the greatest golfer of all time, ahead of Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer.
Nobody cared about tiger’s life off the links. He was sportsman of the year multiple times, won tournaments with a broken leg, and was larger than life. I couldn’t tell you what kind of Buick was being sold, but I knew Tiger endorsed Buick. He also endorsed Nike, Accenture “be a tiger” and Gillette, among many others. Tiger was the king of golf, an unlikely sport to present a universally recognized face to put on advertisements.
Would anyone really care if Phil Mickleson had 15 running affairs? What about Vijay Singh? It’s no secret that Americans have a sick obsession with watching their heroes fail. No one cares when Alex Sanchez gets caught for steroids, but Mcgwire, A-Rod? “CHEATER!” “A-FRAUD!” “LIAR!”.
I’m not saying he is justified in anything he did. I don’t particularly care either way about him. He is who he is, and nothing I do or say will change who he is. Understand that I’m not biased and I’m not standing up for his because he’s my idol, or anything like that.
When people are posting statuses all day, tweeting etc, and just bringing him down, well, it’s pathetic. Find some other way to bring yourself up than recycling a joke from some guy on the radio. I talk some shit too, in fact, I have on this blog, and I know it’s wrong, but good lord people, 3 months of non-stop shit talking?
Look- Don’t mock his composure during his apology, because you know what? When you fuck up, you don’t hold a press conference and apologize to people you don’t know. You don’t owe it to them, and Tiger doesn’t owe it to you. You never cared about his personal life before, you just care that you have a way to justify yourself as better than someone, and you feel a little bit of power there. You’ve got a theoretical “leg to stand on” against a celebrity.
So all you haters, find some other way to feel good about yourselves. Oh, and I know you’ll be interested in his scores when he does decide to play again.